For those interested in the written works of Jason Stanley look no further than here. Here you will find what writing projects I am currently working on.
Finished Chapter 12, so I'm glad about I have the evil blank page of Chapter 13 mocking me as I just sit there staring at it and hoping something will come into my brain. I know what has to be put down on it. I'm just having trouble of what viewpoint to use and how to start up the scene. Hopefully I get it started soon as I really want to get this first book of Ashes of the Fallen done as I've not really worked on anything else. I've been working on this book for a few years now. It's had a lot of changes from the initial story which I just started writing without ever finishing it before I realized halfway through I was approaching everything wrong and decided to take it slower and not as fast paced as originally intended and I hadn't really built out the world. I just had these characters in my head, who are no longer even like originally designed. Unlike my Friar Fisher and Mordecai Lee who have pretty much stayed the same from original concept. Even as I built up the world more so around my dark fantasy characters they didn't alter too much in personality; unlike in the Ashes of the Fallen series; where in some cases genders and such as well as fantasy races were changed. I really am curious what will sell better, My Ashes of the Fallen Series or my dark fantasy series concerning Friar Fisher and Mordecai Lee. Not much else to really bs on so I'll end it here for now. And get back to you later on Chapter 13's progress.
Secondly not sure if people like hearing me if you guys want to hear me reading out a sample of Horror of Hellgarde please let me know by commenting on this blog.
I'm so proud of myself. I got that scene finally written out and I am mostly satisfied with it. I just have one last scene to write and Chapter 12 will be done and I can move onto Chapter 13. My story is now at 27913 words approximately I now only need 12,087 for it be considered Fantasy genre novel length, and 2,087 words approximately short for it to be considered general novel length. I'm tempted to end it on a certain cliffhanger but thinking maybe I shouldn't do that. I'll probably finish it with the original outlined ending and not do that; but tempted to do otherwise. It'd be cool if I wrote passed the required 40,000 words for this; but I won't know until I come to the end of this first draft how long it'll be roughly.
I've been being too lazy lately; but I did work some on Chapter 12 of Ashes of the Fallen. Other then that I've not been doing as much as I probably should writing wise. I really need to buckle down more and at least get chapter 12 finished as I've been working or rather ignoring it for at least a month now.