Finished Chapter 18. Now I have to work on Chapter 19. Not much more to say then that so I shall speak again when I have more to say.
Edit: I got the first scene written and finished for Chapter 19 and I am going to try to work on it some more tomorrow if I can find the time because I'm doing overnight work and not sure when I might get the chance to get back to working on Chapter 19 of In the Shadows. I need to really work on writing the Lay of Keiken and Erienne. It's the central piece of literature and poetry for the Kalunesh and it is an important part of their culture so I think that it is something I shouldn't shirk creating. For it is more then a legend or poetry; but a history from the dawn of the Kalunesh Empire after the Fall of the Reisiri Empire. Unfortunately I've never been good at poetry. I've been trying to keep it somewhat authentic and write it in alliterative verse, which seems very hard to me with my limited vocabulary.
Here's my attempt at the first couple lines of the Lay of Keiken and Erienne.
Fall's sad leaves drifting slowly in sorrowful forest
by river she stands teardrops slipping to streams.
Peering through pines and oak Keiken percieved her presence.
Keiken saw Erienne standing spilling out her grief in sobs and tears.
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