Friday, October 9, 2015

Chapter Update

I am almost down with writing up Chapter 28 of Geometry of Souls, that means just two more chapters and it's time for me to start editing Geometry of Souls.  If I have off to work on editing it shouldn't take me more then a few days to knock out the editing and then the book will be ready for you on the Kindle.  Things only get more interesting and exciting as this series goes, but that's just my opinion.

Not much more to say, so I'll end this update here.  Oh, last thing, I am going to be making changes to Book 1 in the near future, but this changes are minor and not important to the overall story, it is simply I have debated a few name changes on the races in my world and making corrections where there are mistyped names of characters such as Ryner instead of the proper spelling for his name of Reyner, and changing the name of the Aeshir back to the Aesir as it was in my original draft.  Personally I think Aesir and Aesiri sounds better then Aeshir, at first I was worried people would associate them with the Norse gods, but since so much of this story's language is influenced by such sources I decided to say to hell with it and change it back to the original name for earth alfs.  These corrections will be seen when I come out with the omnibus, which I am titling "Conspiracies in the Shadows".  Although the title may change depending on if I come up with something that I like better.   Type more later when I have more to type.

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