I know it's been a while since I last posted; but it's hard to keep up with daily stuff and posting up on my writing and still keep writing and doing my job and keeping thing around the house in order. However, I have not posted here in a while on my writing and thought it best I let those still reading this that I am not dead yet. I am still waiting on my wise reader to get to Horror of Hellgarde so I can start getting the process ready for putting that out next. Though I have not been idle with my writing. I've been working on the First Book in the Ashes of the Fallen Series. While writing an outline for Chapter 8, rather the ideas I have for it, I have also been writing and re-writing the history and some of the races found within the series. Especially since I realized I had neglected to include some vital races that I had not created. These important and vital races to the series do not so far have a direct bearing on the first story and that is most likely why I had neglected them until I started making the maps for this series; which sadly will most likely not be included in any of the books, because I do not like my art skill when it comes to drawing, sigh, even maps. Going back to the latter, as you can see I'm working on both ends. I am writing the past at the same I am writing the present story, so as you can see from the title of this post I am working in two directions at once. As I write the present, so I am also at the same time writing up this world's past history and making sure everything fits nicely and as neatly as possible into its niche.
So rest assured that when I have the spare moments I am still working on my writing and hopefully improving and growing.
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