Saturday, December 1, 2012

Chapter 8 and thus the start of 9. GANBARU!!!

I finished Chapter 8 today and have pushed a little forward into Chapter 9 today.   Yatta!  Yatta!  Still going strong, and this will most likely be my longest work to date and hopefully be an actual novel length, a first for me as I've never written anything longer then a short story before this moment.   The current word count is 15,310.  In order for a work to be considered of novel length it must be 40,000 words in length.   Plotting aside that means if I was calculating (wish I don't when I write, I simply let the story flow out from me) I'd need 24,690 more words roughly for this current project to be considered a novel length book.  Which I guess for those that don't know I should do a breakdown of word counts and what they are considered.

  1. Flash Fiction:  500-1,000 words   (These are stories that are extremely brief.)
  2. Short Story:    1,000-7,500 words generally (These are stories which contain few characters and are concerned with a single mood or theme.)
  3. Novelette:   7,500-17,500 words  ( This is still a short story roughly, and usually called a novelette because it is slightly longer then a short story; but shorter then a novella.)
  4. Novella:    17,500-40,000 words (This type of story features fewer conflicts then a novel; but also contains more complex conflicts and themes then a simple short story.   And unlike novels they are not usually divided into chapters.)
  5. Novels:  30,000 (in general)   40,000 and up (SF &Fantasy) 

What I usually write myself was most likely somewhere between Short Story and Novelette.

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