Thursday, April 30, 2015

End of Month Update

I've been having a seriously bad bout of writer's block lately. I'm not sure where to go next with my stories, Geometry of Souls or Zmeij.  I do have the money for a cover for the In the Shadows Novel right now, but artist I want is busy with other projects I hope to hear back from them.  I am in no real hurry, as I originally wanted book 2 done before I published book one; but it'd be nice to get it up and see how well it does at the same time. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

In The Shadows Cover?

I am thirty dollars away from having enough money for the cover. I'll probably have it by end of next week and now am just waiting for the artist I want to commission to have an open slot.  Hopefully I hear back from her by next month.  I am really looking forward to seeing the cover and having In The Shadows (First of the Ashes of the Fallen Books) on the nook and kindle.  I haven't been working on my writing as much as I probably should.  I need to get back into it.  That's all for now.  I'll type more when I have more to type.