Friday, July 27, 2018

Apologizes For Neglect

Within the last couple of days I have not done much writing to speak of to keep you, my readers, up to date about.  I've been busy with other things, which I will not trouble you with.  However I can say that my co-writer is now working on an edit of Chapter 8 of Wurm's Blood.  Not much more then that to tell to you at the moment.  Well have a great weekend of fun and sun.  I'll type more later when I have more to say.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Harlan Ellison Died At 84 on June 27th 2018

I know that both that this is now old news and not the usual type of things I post on this blog,but Harlan Ellison is one my favorite authors, who I admire and greatly respect and it saddened me greatly when I had first learned of his death.

Speculative-fiction writer Harlan Ellison, who penned short stories, novellas and criticism, contributed to TV series including “The Outer Limits,” “Star Trek” and “Babylon 5” and won a notable copyright infringement suit against ABC and Paramount and a settlement in a similar suit over “The Terminator,” has died. He was 84.
Christine Valada tweeted that Ellison’s wife, Susan, had asked her to announce that he died in his sleep Thursday." - Taken from Variety to give some context to those who may not know who Harlan "one of the greatest modern writers" was.  So that given I felt it fitting to show this video of him talking about Ceasing to Exist back when the public had been misinformed of his death back in 2013 but this time sadly he is actually gone.  So without further ado here is the man himself talking on youtube, despite his dislike of internet technology.
Important Stuff to Be Known as a Writer and just a person in general. More Harlan Talking:
At the 7:02-7:14 minute mark expresses how I feel about the New Line Cinema/Peter Jackson Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies.

Friday, July 13, 2018

99 Cents Sale

On July 15th to July 22nd my story Zmeij will go on sale.  If you like a yaoi styled romance story in a fantasy setting check it out. 

Zmeij on Kindle

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Been Working on My Short

What have I been up to lately?  For those that are curious your answers are swiftly coming in this post.  I have still been writing up the short which will bridge Wurm's Blood and Werden Aus Wurmslayer.  This short will be known as The Trothkeeper.   I have some snippets of said short story on my deviantart account which I will link here in this blog post.  Also just today I drew up a map and world notes on a special project I am working on in the near distant future I hope.  Not much more then that to say.

Here are the links to some of my The Trothkeeper Short Snippets:

Bone Soup


Riding Right Along

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Happy 4th

Happy 4th for those that celebrate it.  And a happy day to those that read my blog.  This is somewhat of a July Update.  Last night I wrote up three more scenes to Troth Keeper, the short story that is going to rest between Wurm's Blood and it's sequel Werden Aus Wurmslayer.  I just need to transfer them over from paper to the document on my computer.  Speaking of Wurm's Blood my co-author is finally on editing chapter 7.  Yay!  Here is hoping he works on it some more today.  Well not much else to type so I'll end it here, wishing you all my best to you.