Saturday, March 25, 2017

My Weird Thoughts

This has nothing to do with writing; but just something that struck into my mind.  I know it's probably impossible as I doubt WB ever giving up the rights to the material.  I may or may not get hate for saying this; but after having watched Moana and then the Rankin Bass/Ralph Bakshi movies I was thinking it'd be kind of  cool to see a movie trilogy of the hobbit as animated cartoons from Disney (with disney's interpretation of it) and if done right/good maybe have it followed by a set of six animated movies for the Lord of the Rings (if you count it properly there are actually six books inside the three as each book is broken apart into two books.)

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Update on Things

I know I haven't been blogging on here much and in truth I'm probably not much of a blogger as I get caught up with work; both my writing and the stuff that earns me my daily bread and water :P.  I could make false promises to try and write on here more, but let's be honest I probably will only write on here or post when it occurs to me do thus, such as now.  I am still on the Rambert Saga section of Wurm's Blood, but I am fastly coming to the close of the Rambert Saga section of the novel as I only have 2 chapters left to it and then I can start the Dagmar Saga section of it.  I am calling these sections Sagas due to the idea that Old Norse Stories called the stories dealing with the life of people or families such.  Alot of Wurm's Blood is coming from Old Norse, but mainly German folklore in inspiration.  I am not sure if I've posted pictures on here for Wurm's Blood, but maybe this inside art by the ever awesome J. Gaude will wet your appetite for what is to come in this so far stand alone novel that I'm working on.

Here is a Sampling of Wurm's Blood Opening Chapter
Sample of Wurm's Blood Chapter One